
Crafting pills is Taoists' routine and a common way to enhance cultivation.
That works in Overmortal as well, where you can craft Pills of all ranks and effects by using ingredients based on Formulas in the Alchemy of your Abode.
Higher-rank Pill formulas are unlocked as you ascend to higher Stages, with 8 types of Pills in each rank. Most of the formulas can be obtained via Town - Market or Sect - Library. Here are the 8 types of Pills:
· Pills like Aura/Revitalizing/Ice Heart Pill: Grant Magicka EXP.
· Powder like Cleansing/Nutrition/Crimson Powder: Grant Corporia EXP.
· Meridian Pill: Recover MP.
· Rejuvenation Pill: Recover HP.
· Agility Pill: Grant M.EVA permanently (with a usage limit).
· Windride Pill: Grant P.EVA permanently (with a usage limit).
· Cultivation Pills like Connection/Foundation/Virtuoso Pill: Boost the breakthrough success rate for Magicka Taoists.
· Cultivation Powders like Connection/Foundation/Virtuoso Powder: Boost the breakthrough success rate for Corporia Taoists.
- examples: bolu and divine punishment

Alchemy Materials[]
You need to find the required materials for crafting different types of Pills. Most of the time, you can get them from Realm monsters or your Garden. Market is a major source, too, with even high-rank ones sold at affordable prices, so do check it out every day. Here are the major sources of alchemy materials:
· EXP and Recovery Pills require Monster Cores, which are dropped by Realm monsters.
· Windride Pills/Agility Pills require plants that you can collect in Realms or nurture in your Garden.
· Breakthrough Boosters require different materials based on their rank. For R1 – R3 ones, plants of corresponding rank are required; for R4 or above ones, you have to acquire special materials from Realms.

Alchemist Level[]
In the Overmortal world, you can use higher-rank Pills as you ascend to higher Stages for better effects. Also, you'll find the Pills of higher quality work even better. To acquire higher-quality Pills, you can raise your Alchemist Level in addition to getting high-quality materials. Each Pill you craft grants Alchemy EXP, which can increase your Alchemist Level and the chance of producing rarer Pills.
For example, R1 Alchemists can only craft pills with a rank no higher than Connection, and R1 Beginner Alchemists' chance to get Rare Pills is 20%. When you become a R1 Expert Alchemist, you will get a 20%/45%/30% bonus for crafting Rare/Epic/Legendary Pills. Though you can still only craft Pills of the Connection Stage, you'll get Epic ones easily!

Pills are essential for Taoists because of their abilities in accelerating cultivation, assisting breakthroughs, granting a permanent EVA bonus, and recovering HP/MP. You may find yourself in a dilemma when you can't craft the Pills you need due to your low Alchemist Level. Therefore, don't forget to craft Pills every day, not just for the Pills, but also for Alchemy EXP.
Also, do check the Market from time to time; you may find some surprises there. To obtain formulas more efficiently, it's a good idea to make Sect Contribution every day. As for Realm exploration, one of your main sources of materials, keep in mind to assign your Clone to explore Realms all the time and explore more advanced Realms once they are available. And Garden, the other main source. Make sure there are always plants growing in your Garden. Follow the tips, and you'll never run out of alchemy materials.