Overmortal Global Wiki

Basic Stats[]

Just like in most games, HP and MP function the same way

[Key Stats][]

HP - Health Points :[]

You will be Maimed when your HP drops to 0, so keep a close eye on your HP and bolu.

Corporia Taoists gain more HP when upgrading.

The more HP you have, the sturdier your defense is, allowing you to take on more difficult challenges.

Also, Stage Breakthroughs can boost your HP.

MP - Mana Points:[]

Casting Abilities and using Relics require MP.

Magicka boosts your MP through Stage Breakthroughs.

Magicka Taosists have access to shielding abilities that can be buffed with equipment/relics. It is important to check if the equipment you use boost the technique you learn.

Image showing locations of character interface menus.

Locations of character interface menus.


There are multiple sections of the Character Screen that each have sub-menus/actions.

Labeled based on the image to the right:

  1. Relics Interface - Allows you to upgrade and equip relics.
  2. Specific Relics - Allows you to upgrade and equip 3 Active Curios, 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 accessory
  3. Battle Ranking (BR) - Shows you current battle rank
  4. Character Statistics - A brief view of your stats can be found here. To see a detailed view, click the menu button beside "stats"
  5. Technique, Curios, and Ability Menu - Click these to open the interface.

Relics Interface[]

Relics are items that can be equipped, but they do more than increase damage output. All relics have characteristics that can boost multiple stats. Magika and Coropria classes have specific relics that can only be quipped when a player has broke through a certain stage. For example, a player cannot equip an R5 weapon until they reach Incarnation stage. All relics come with "Basic Effects" and more will be added at higher augment levels.

Relics should be consider stat buffers and actual attacks. All relics have an attack that can be organized in the "technique" area. Each relic type has different attack types. Some attacks are single hit, buffs, debuffs, or AoE.

There are 6 special relic slots (the top 6) which will only allows certain relics to be equipped. 3 are active curios, 1 a weapon, 1 an armor, 1 an accessory.

There are 6 relic slots total that will be unlocked after breakthroughs. These "normal" relics are the bottom 6 equip slots.

Damage/Shield Limits[]

A view of the relic interface.

A view of the relic interface.

All relics, regardless of Coropria or Magika class, will have limits to the damage or shielding the can perform. Damage limits limit the damage that can be done, and Shield limits limit the damage that can be blocked. It is important to make sure you are equipping stronger relics at breakthrough stages that will be able to keep up with your increased character stats and with your opponents. If you are a Magika Taoist with only a 24 mil shield limit, you will take damage if hit by a 25 mil attack and every attack after even if your shielding abilities have not worn off. They will reset upon the next cast of a shielding ability.

It is currently believed that Critical Hits ignore the damage limit, though not confirmed.

Relic Augment[]

When you view a relic in your backpack or in the relic interface of the Character page, you will see the option to "Upgrade" the relic. To upgrade, the player must use Spiritium, Souldust, and occasionally Forgeststone (which can only be obtained from Demon Spire or Fatevillion). When upgraded to certain levels, player can unlock Additional effect such as Crit Block, which will reduce critical hit damage.

Affix Effects[]

The rarity of a relic will determine another set of bonuses your relic can carry. The rarity of items and heir additional boost goes, from lowest rarity to highest:

  • Gray/Tan - 1 affix
  • Green - 2 affix
  • Blue - 3 affix
  • Purple - 4 affix
  • Yellow/Gold - 5 affix

Relic Affixes can be viewed by clicking on an upgraded/augmented relic. Affixes also come at different strengths and their strengths can be identified through the color of the text they are written in. Affixes written in blue text will have a higher effect than Green or Gray/Tan text affixes. The rarity/strength of the affix follows the same rarity scale as all items in the game, gray being weakest and gold being the strongest. For example, an [Annihilation] blue affix may provide +25% Crit Multiplier, but a green [Annihilation] affix may provide only +21%. When stats get into the millions, 21% compared to 25% is significantly lower attack power.

Carving Effects[]

The final stat boosts a relic can give you are the carving effects. Carving effects are additional upgrades that are unlocked at certain augment levels. When a carving is made into a relic, a specific set of bonuses will be added to the relic. You can view those bonuses in the relic menu.

This image shows an opened BR menu.

This image shows an opened BR menu.

Battle Ranking Interface[]

The battle ranking (BR) interface is not nearly as complex as the other character interfaces. This screen simply breaks down your current stats by category. These are the same stats you will see if you use the "compare BR" function on other players. This screen is good for statistic analyzes who work to meticulously balance or overpower a particular stat. Here, you can see exactly what strong for your breakthrough stage and what is weak.

Character Statistics Interface[]

The character Statistics interface is very similar to the BR interface, only in list form. Both interfaces will show you total BR stats, but the Character Statistics interface will show you a sum of your current statistics without the breakdown of where the stats are coming from. This interface is recommended for quick analysis of statistics as you will not be able to see if your stats are coming from Curios, Techniques, etc.

Technique, Curio, and Ability Interfaces[]

Possibly the most complex menus in the character interface. Techniques, Curios, and Abilities are all upgrade-centered interfaces that will require extensive strategizing to get the best stat boosts. It is recommend a player decide to take a Whale, Heavy Hit, Defender, etc. stance in the game before making extensive changes to these menus as the only interface that can be changed in the future is the Ability interface.


Techniques are skills that can be "purchased" with technique points. Technique points are some of the rarest currency in the game when a player gets to later breakthrough stages, so try not to waste them early on and ensure you are getting the boosts you want. Techniques are ranked just like forge materials, relics, etc. They start at R1 and a new R-level will be unlocked at greater breakthrough or when certain in-game passive quests are met.

An image showing the technique menu layout.

An image showing the technique menu layout.

A few effects an unlocked technique will offer is:

  • Increasing Respira daily attempts
  • Increasing Respira effect Percentage (some as large as up to 7%)
  • Increasing Cultivation Pill Daily attempts
  • Increasing Cultivation Pill effectiveness
  • Increasing stats
  • Increasing Crit Hit Ratio
  • Increasing DMG to Monsters
  • Increasing DMG to Taoist
  • Decreasing DMG from Monsters
  • Decreasing DMG from Taoist
  • Increasing Spiritium collected (up to 42%)

There are more effects than just this, but these are some of them.

Technique Mastery and Bottleneck[]

The higher R level a technique is, the more "Bottleneck" stages a technique will encounter. Each technique has a minimum of 3 paths a player must master before moving to the next stage. At the end of the 3rd path, a "Bottleneck" will be encountered. Bottlenecks require a Technique guide (sometimes more than 1) to overcome. Without Techique Guides, the player cannot progress. However, every Bottleneck overcome will give one of the effects listed above to the player.

The Bottlenecks a player faces will increases as R-level increases. The final Bottleneck of each technique will increase stat 100%.


Curios are relic-like items that are collected through Treasure Hunt in Town or through certain achievements in game. Curios, liek Techniques, offer a wide array of effects. the type of effect a Curio has is based on if it is an Active or Passive Curio.

A split screenshot showing a left and right side. Left- Upgrade screen shows stat increase after an upgrade. Right - Curios details shown after pressing one in the main interface.

Left- Upgrade screen shows stat increase after an upgrade. Right - Curios details shown after pressing one in the main interface.

Passive Curios do not need to be equipped to gain the effect. They will automatically be triggered as long as it has been unlocked. Curios can be Upgraded and Starred Up to boost stats. Some Curios come in sets/series and what many miss when first starting is that by upgrading Curios to certain levels. The image to the right shows a passive curio effect.

Active Curios are relics that can be equipped and will have varying attacks. These are some of the hardest to come by but can be gained through the in-app loyalty purchase program.

Upgrading Curios[]

Curio Upgrading is different from Curio Star-Up. Upgrading will require sand, just like all materials other than Spritium, the sands come in different ranks. When upgrading curios to higher levels, the sand requirements will also rank up. Before each upgrade, the stat boost or effect that will be applied after the upgrade wll be listed on the upgrade interface screen.

Curio upgrades CAN be reset by pressing the small reverse arrow when the curio details are showing-- it is right beside the share button. It will cost Fateum.

Curio Star Up[]

The Star-Up function is unique in that to fully utilize this feature, you will want to have a set of curios collected. Curios sets when upgraded to a certain star level will produce additional effects. Look to the image to the right. Using the demon Forger as an example. On this image, you can see that it is a passive curio, as a passive anytime the passive buff is met it will be applied. This means anytime the player who has this equipped in their active relic slot kills a player in Otherworld Invasion, they will then get 72K MP. However, the next star up for this Curio will increase that amount by 20%.

If you have the entire set collected and starred up to 3*, then sometimes an additional bonus is added on top of the 1st 3* bonus. To see sets and their bonuses, go to the Curio page and go to the Sets tab. From here, all your sets, completed and uncompleted, will be shown. Not all sets will offer a 3* bonus, but most will offer at least a collection completion bonus.

Ability Interface[]

The ability interface is styled as a map. You can only move on to the next destination (technique) when the prerequisites are met. Most prerequisites require the previous skill on the same path to be upgraded to a certain level, and for the player to have reached a specific breakthrough stage. Coropria and Magika paths have drastically different options that offer different buffs and debuffs, and they will base attack damage on different stats. For example, most (C) skills will use PATK and (M) skills will use MATK as a base for damage.

Abilities must be equipped in order to use them. You can also change the order that abilities will be cast by going to the settings gear in the Ability interface located at the bottom right of your screen.

Ability Coropria and Magika Interface and the upgrade path direction are shown on two sides.

Ability Coropria and Magika Interface and the upgrade path direction are shown on two sides.

Upgrading Abilities[]

Abilities can be upgraded using Ability Knowledge, which is farmed from the Demon Spire. Ability knowledge will be the sole upgrading currency until a player enters a Bottleneck stage similar to Techniques. The Ability Bottlenecks are overcome by collecting Ability Manuscripts from the Sect Library. You cannot obtain these any way other than through the set library. The player must be at a certain cultivation stage to unlock certain ability manuscripts, so some abilities will not be able to be upgraded until at a higher cultivation stage.

The cost per manuscript will also increase with each R-level.

Unlike curios and techniques, by spending fateum, you can reset your techniques and receive everything you invested
