Overmortal Global Wiki

I. How Do I Obtain Seeds?[]

You can buy all kinds of seeds in the Market.

Those seeds of Thunderboo, among all seeds, are something you should not miss, since Myrua Thunderboo is an effective supplement to help you get high-quality Gear and Relics from forging — it'll take you 150 Fateum every Myrua Thunderboo in Fatevillion, so it's economic to grow it yourself.


II. How Do I Plant Seeds?[]

Each plant requires slots that form a specific shape. For example, Thunderboo Seeds require an area that looks like half of a cross. You can sow seeds as long as your Garden has enough space (you can rotate seeds to plant them).

Initially, the garden has only a few slots available. You can expand the garden by spending Fateum to grow more plants. It's recommended to unlock more slots when you just begin, as long as you have enough Fateum.


III. How Do I Speed Up Growth?[]

A seed may produce plants of different qualities based on the time it consumes. The longer it grows, the higher its quality. So it's recommended to let it grow until the limit is reached. But there are three ways to shorten the wait:

1. Speed Up[]

Earthogen, Ambergris, and Heavengen can help you speed up the growth. You can use as many of them as you want, but they can only be applied to one type of plant each time.


2. Watering[]

You have 6 attempts for watering every day, each attempt can shorten the growth by 3 hours.

The first attempt is free, and the rest of them require Fateum, with the cost increasing with each attempt. The best thing about it is that you can water all the plants at a time. Therefore, you may give it more shots if you have a large plantation.

3. Gardener Hiring and Upgrade[]

① To hire the Gardener, you need to foster Friendship with him first. Do Gardener a favor every day by giving him the items he needs, and your Friendship will increase.


② Then you need the Guide to Gardening, a book you can buy for 500 Fateum in Fatevillion. Use the book to hire Gardener and upgrade him.


③ Gardener will soon be your great helper with his abilities to shorten growth, boost production, automatically plant seeds, and harvest plants for you.
