Overmortal Global Wiki

I. What are Pets?[]

1. Basic Pets — Lion/Wyrm/Tortoise/Fox[]

  1. Lion (Base Form: Babelion; Advanced Form: Dracolion)
  2. Wyrm (Base Form: Babewyrm; Advanced Form: Necrowyrm)
  3. Turtoise (Base Form: Babetoise; Advanced Form: Daemotoise)
  4. Fox (Base Form: Babeox; Advanced Form: Visiox)

2. Special Pets[]

  1. Deer (Base Form: Babedeer; Advanced Form: ?)
  2. Serpent (Base Form: Berpent; Advanced Form: ?)

II. Sources of Pets[]

1. Pet Stone Identification[]

Pet Stone Identification grants you a chance to get one of the four basic Pets directly from a Pet Stone, which can be obtained from Realm Autoplay, Weekly Event Exchange, Side Quests, Story Quests, Daily Quests, Daily Events, etc.

2. Exchanged with Essences[]

You can gain Epic Essences from Pet Stone Identification or limited-time events. Such Essences can be given to the Beast Master in exchange for specified Pets.

3. Pet Bags[]

A Pet Bag randomly grants one of the four basic Pets. You can mainly obtain Pet Bags as total purchase rewards or from Weekly Event Exchange.

III. Menagerie[]

The Menagerie is the home of your pets. Here you have the options to upgrade your pets, place them into your pet Array/Formation (Equip them), and even Reset and Recycle them.

IV. Upgrading Pets[]

1. Feed[]

Feed your pet Cultivation Pills within your current Cultivation Realm or feed them special flowers to increase their Cultivation.

Feed Pet

Increasing Pet's Cultivation by feedining them Cultivation Pills

2. Talent[]

Upgrade your pets' talents with Elemental Essences to boost their stats and help them evolve into more powerful forms.

Pet Talent

Pets Talents

3. Skills[]

Pet Skills

Pet Skills

Upgrade your pets Combat Skills with Spiritium and Demon Root.

4. Aptitude[]

You can feed your pet Wisdom Pills to increase their aptitude.

Pet Aptitude

increasing Pet Aptitude with Wisdom Pills

V. Pet Formation[]

Place pets within your Pet Formation to have them fight at your side.

VI. Resetting and Recycling Pets[]

1. Resetting[]

You can choose to reset a pet and regain the resources you spent on it. This is usually done either to use the pet as a resource to upgrade another pet, or to prep it for recycling.

2. Recycling[]

Recycle Pet

Recycle your pet to obtain it's base Essences.

You can recycle a pet to gain the same resources that you would need to buy it at the exchange center.
